Traditional Birthstones: Turquoise and ZirconModern Birthstones: TanzaniteDecember's Birthstone: Turquoise, Zircon & TanzaniteTurquoise is found in only a few places on earth: dry and bar....
Where has the time gone? 25 years ago, at the age of 18 I started working for DGJ. I didn't know much about jewelry or anything at that point . I was scared but very eager to learn . I have had the p....
Traditional Birthstones: Topaz and CitrineModern Birthstones: Apache Tear/Obsidian November's Birthstone: Topaz & CitrineMost experts agree the name Topaz is from Topazios, an ancient Greek ....
Traditional Birthstones: Opal and Pink TourmalineModern Birthstones: Lapis Lazuli, Opal or PeridotOpal’s CharacterisiticsOpal’s shifting play of kaleidoscopic colors is unlike any other gem. Fin....
Traditional Birthstone: Sapphire
Modern Birthstone: Jade, Jasper, or Moss Agate The word “sapphire” when used alone, typically refers to the blue variety. Other colors, such as yellow, pink and oran....
Pokestops near frankfort ilFor customers with kids that still have Pokemon Fever, we wanted to share the great Pokestop location near our jewelry store, as well as a great opportunity for your k....